Can I pop a dental abscess on my own?
Just like when you pop a pimple, popping a dental abscess can cause bacteria to spread. This is particularly concerning since an infection in your mouth can quickly irritate the area more and even move to other parts of your body. So, the best thing to do is contact our Marysville dental team the moment you notice a pimple-like bump or blister on your gums.
Will my toothache go away on its own?
If your schedule is busy, money is tight, or you struggle with dental-related anxiety, you might be tempted to take the “wait and see” approach when it comes to dental pain. There are a few reasons why you shouldn’t. The main reason is that tooth decay and other common causes of toothaches cannot heal without the necessary restorative care. In other words, the longer you postpone your visit, the worse the root of the problem will get.
How should I sleep with tooth pain?
As we touched on in the previous section, toothaches warrant an immediate call to our office so that we can intervene before the root of the problem gets worse. With that said, we know it’s not always possible to come in the very same day for treatment. If that’s the case for you, then it’s helpful to know some tips for sleeping with tooth pain in the meantime. We recommend eating soft foods at dinner, taking OTC pain medication 30 minutes before bed, and keeping your head elevated while you sleep.
Should I visit the emergency room first for dental emergencies?
It’s common for patients to assume that they should head to the ER if they are in pain. However, it’s rare for hospitals to have dentists on-staff, so that’s not always the best place to turn if you have knocked out, fractured, or cracked a tooth. The best way to tell whether your dental injury warrants a visit to the ER is by assessing your symptoms. If you’re experiencing anything potentially life-threatening (i.e., facial swelling, trouble breathing, difficulty swallowing), then you should call 911 or go to your nearest ER right away. Otherwise, your first call should be to your dentist.
What does throbbing tooth pain mean?
Throbbing tooth pain is a symptom of everything from inflammation within the tooth to a large crack in the enamel. In other words, it’s a good indicator that it’s time to come in for an exam. That way, we can pinpoint both what’s causing your discomfort and the best way to address it.
Do chipped teeth heal?
No, chipped teeth do not heal. Even if you aren’t too worried about the aesthetic drawbacks of this dental injury, it’s important that you schedule an exam with one of our dedicated emergency dentists in Marysville so we can make sure it isn’t vulnerable to breaking further or developing an infection.