An estimated 2 million visits to emergency departments each year involve some form of dental crisis, meaning that your chances of experiencing a cracked tooth or oral infection isn’t exactly zero. However, emergencies often occur suddenly and without warning, and you can’t prepare for something you can’t predict. Right?
Even though a dental emergency can be startling, if you expect the unexpected, you can be ready for them. Building an at-home dental emergency kit is an easy and affordable way to do just that. Keep reading for a list of ten tools that would be good to have in your toolbox.
What Should I Put in My Dental Emergency Kit?
You might already have some beneficial equipment in your household. However, assembling everything into one kit ensures your emergency gear is easily accessible – whether that means your closet or the trunk of your car. To be prepared anywhere you go, pack up these ten things:
- Cotton Balls and Gauze. These absorbent items are often found in medical kits for a reason. They can staunch bleeding and shelter open wounds.
- Sanitization Wipes. A cut lip is the type of injury you’ll want to sterilize, and if there isn’t water and soap around when your emergency occurs, these wipes will also help you clean your hands after your temporary treatment.
- Dental Wax. Soft and easily moldable, dental wax is excellent for blunting pointy orthodontics or fractured dentures, as well as temporarily protecting damaged teeth.
- Ibuprofen or Tylenol. Since certain dental emergencies can be painful, you’ll want to have pain relievers readily available.
- Bottled Water and Salt Packs. Rinsing your mouth with water will wash out debris. Rinsing your mouth with salt water will help to alleviate inflammation and reduce bacteria, especially for a toothache caused by infection.
- Cold Compress. With a cold compress, you’ll be able to numb the area around a wound and soothe certain aches while bringing down swelling.
- Dental Mirror. It’s not necessarily a good idea to blindly poke around someone’s mouth. A dental mirror is smaller than an average compact mirror, and angled in a way that will make it easier for you to examine irritants.
- Floss or Tweezers. If you don’t have a tool that can help you pry out unwanted objects, that limits the usefulness of your mirror.
- Gloves. They can be latex or something more allergy friendly – either way, it’s a good idea to prevent skin from touching unknown substances or fluids (not to mention saliva is gross and sticky).
- Emergency Contact Information. Have you ever been so distraught that you’ve scrolled through your phone contacts without finding who you’re looking for? Add your emergency dentist’s contact details to your kit so no matter what, you’ll have their number.
With these tools at your disposal, you’ll be able to efficiently treat a dental emergency until you or your loved one is able to receive professional care. Once immediate distress has been managed, call your emergency dentist and request a same-day appointment. They’ll provide long-term treatment as soon as possible.
About the Practice
At Darby Creek Dental, our team of seasoned professionals is ready to help you with your dental discomforts and emergencies. Call 937-644-8822 for immediate first aid guidance and same-day appointments. To learn more about our services and your dentists, visit our website. We’ll be happy to address your concerns!