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Darby Creek Dental Blog

3 Advantages of Going to a Family Dentist

July 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 12:53 am

Family visiting dentistWake up, get the kids ready and off to school, go to work, shuttle the kids from school to soccer or ballet practice, come home and prepare dinner for the family, wash the dishes, put the kids to bed, sleep. Wash, rinse, repeat. Does this hectic schedule sound familiar? If you are like many American families, it can be hard to find the time to squeeze regular dental appointments into your already busy schedule. This task can be especially challenging when each family members sees a different dentist in a different part of town. If you are looking to simplify your family’s dental care, we have three reasons why you should consider choosing a family dentist.


Put a Visit to Your Family Dentist on Your Back to School Checklist

July 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 5:17 pm

smiling girl at schoolSummer is in full swing, but it seems like this season always goes by faster than any other time of the year. Before you know it, your kids will be trading in their flip-flops and sunblock for backpacks and sneakers as they start their next year of formal education. It’s never too early to start putting together your to-do list for sending your youngsters back to school. We’re here to remind you that a visit to your family dentist deserves a spot on that list.


Why Doesn’t My Dentist Like Sports Drinks?

June 13, 2018

Filed under: Family Dentistry — Tags: , — darby_team @ 3:12 pm

family in shortsSummer is here, so a tasty and refreshing sports drink can really hit the spot on a warm day. They provide good hydration and a fair amount of electrolytes, which are essential when you or your kids are especially active. However, they could also lead to some rather serious tooth damage. That’s why a dentist usually recommends water over sports drinks. Read on to learn more about how a sports drink can harm your smile.


Teeth Getting Older, Too? Your Dentist Has Good Advice

June 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — darby_team @ 7:02 pm

older man smilingAs the years go by, more and more Baby Boomers join the ranks of senior citizens. The geriatric spectrum ranges from active 90-year-olds to declining 70-year-olds. There is, however, one thing all seniors can do to improve their health and possibly extend their longevity, too. They all need to take care of their teeth and gums. There is actually quite a bit a dentist can do to help the elderly avoid tooth loss and other dental problems. Read on to learn what you can do for your smile throughout the aging process.


Here’s One More Reason to See Your Dentist this Month

April 28, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 2:00 pm

woman at the dentistWhen was the last time you visited the dentist? If it’s been more than six months, you’re not alone. Most people don’t manage to make it into the office as often as they should. Unfortunately, what they often don’t realize is that these appointments are about more than just checking for cavities. When you skip your routine checkups and cleanings, you’re also missing out on the examinations that could catch the disease that is reported to kill one American every hour, every single day of the year. We’re talking about oral cancer — keep reading to find out more.


Gum Disease: The Difference Between Gingivitis and Periodontitis

April 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 5:45 pm

man covering mouthYou might have heard a lot about how important it is to prevent gum disease. This condition endangers both your oral and overall health! However, not everyone understands exactly what gum disease is. They may not even know the difference between gingivitis and periodontitis, the two forms of gum disease. If you’ve ever been confused about these terms, take heart! Here is a quick lesson on what they mean.


Fight Bacteria! Your Local Dentist Explains Why Flossing is So Important

March 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 1:49 pm

woman smiling while flossing his teethWhen it comes to your oral health, what is public enemy number one? It’s the notorious creatures called bacteria. They are always lurking around looking for leftover food to feed on, so they can grow. But are there ways to stop them? Your local dentist says there certainly are! Your best line of defense is your daily oral hygiene regimen, which should include flossing. Learn why it’s so important to use this simple method to hunt for harmful bacteria as you continue reading.


Help! How Do I Choose the Right Toothbrush? Your Dentist Weighs in

March 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 12:52 pm

assortment of multi colored toothbrushesYour dental health is supported by two primary pillars – one being your oral hygiene. The latter is of great significance because it helps to foil one of the greatest foes of a healthy mouth, teeth and gums – bacteria. And a simple tool called a toothbrush is a major player in your hygienic regimen, but with so many on the market, how do you make the right choice? Should you use an electric or manual version? Are hard bristles better for removing plaque? These and other questions will be answered by your local dentist as you continue reading.


Your Dentist Explains What to Do When Your Child’s Baby Teeth Erupt

February 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 4:45 pm

A toddler brushing their teeth.By the time your baby is between 6 months and 1 year of age, you can expect to see their two front teeth coming in. This can be a very exciting time for you as a parent; soon you’ll be brushing your teeth alongside them in the bathroom, singing songs to make sure they brush for long enough. But teaching them oral care isn’t just about developing good habits.

According to your dentist, baby teeth play a large role in your child’s oral development overall. With February being children’s dental health month, there’s no better time to protect your child from decay than now!


Save Money and Your Teeth by Visiting Your Dentist Regularly

January 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 8:14 pm

piggy bank with glasses calculatorAs you sit and reflect on your childhood, you can remember countless occasions where your mother spoke in the tone of prevention. She would tell you to put on a jacket before going outside so that you wouldn’t catch a cold. Or she would tell you not to stay awake all night playing with your toys because you’d struggle to get out of bed the next morning. And the funny thing is, she was always right. That’s why the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth more than 10 pounds of cure.” The same mentality applies to your oral health. The efforts you put into protecting your mouth, teeth and gums on the front end, protect you from problems you don’t want to have to deal with down the road. That’s why your dentist says it’s much better to come in for a visit before a minor issue can fester into a major occurrence.


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