When you’re missing teeth, even just one in the back of your mouth, it can result in some serious problems. Chewing a variety of nutritious crunchy foods, like apples, can be a pain. Your remaining teeth can drift into the gap and cause bite alignment issues and TMJ disorder. Since 2020 is not only the start of a new year, but a new decade, you might as well use it as an opportunity to revamp your smile and fill in the spaces. Without a doubt, the best way to do that is with dental implants. Keep reading to learn why you should replace your missing teeth with dental implants.
Darby Creek Dental Blog
Complete Your Smile in 2020 with Dental Implants
February 3, 2020
Get a Healthy Smile in 2020 with Your Insurance Benefits
January 31, 2020
Believe it or not, another year is already here. As you make your New Year’s resolutions to decrease your debt or eat healthier, you may be overlooking a crucial aspect to your wellbeing—your smile. With the start of the new year, your dental benefits just reset. You can see your dentist for minimal out-of-pocket expense to invest in a healthy smile in 2020.
A Healthier New Year Starts At Your Dentist’s Office
January 10, 2020
New year’s resolutions are all about reflecting on how you can live a happier and healthier life than you did the year before. People set a variety of goals such as cutting out pop from their daily diet, not procrastinating on school work, and travelling more. However, there’s one resolution that few people consider making, and it’s arguably one of the healthiest life-changes. It’s going to the dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings. According to a survey conducted by the American Dental Association, only about 50 percent of adults reported that they visit the dentist every six months. Read on to learn why scheduling semi-annual checkups and cleanings is the best resolution to make in 2020. (more…)
4 Tips That Will Help Your Smile Survive Cold and Flu Season
December 18, 2019
When you’re feeling under the weather with a cold or the flu, oral hygiene might seem like less of a priority. But if you’re not careful, you could end up dealing with a dental emergency on top of your seasonal sickness! Fortunately, there are ways to protect your teeth while also treating the illness you already have. When it comes to your smile, your dentist in Marysville has 4 tips to stay healthy during flu season.
How Issues Like Asthma, Diabetes, and More Impact Your Oral Health
December 7, 2019
Your oral health can act like a window to your overall health. For example, a broken tooth can influence your diet and therefore lower your immune system, and the presence of gum disease indicates a higher risk of pregnancy complications and heart disease. But have you ever wondered “can my physical health have an impact my oral health?” Just as your oral and overall wellbeing are linked, there’s a connection between general health issues and dental issues. Find out how common afflictions like asthma and diabetes are impacting the health of your mouth and teeth, and what you can do about it.
4 Everyday Habits Harming Your Smile
November 18, 2019
Your teeth are designed to last for a lifetime with the right care over the years. You take care of your teeth at home and visit your dentist twice a year to ensure your smile lasts. Despite your best efforts to preserve your smile, there are certain activities you might do throughout the day that can harm your teeth. Don’t damage your smile. Here are 4 habits you need to break right now.
5 Tips That Will Keep Your Smile Healthy for the Holidays
November 13, 2019
The holidays are the perfect time for your family to get together and enjoy some sweet treats. From the delicious desserts served after your Thanksgiving meal to the candy canes and cookies that abound in December, there’s plenty to look forward to. However, if you’re not careful, the festivities could end with cavities and emergency trips to the dentist. To keep the holidays safe for smiles, make sure that everyone is following these 5 tips.
Dental Insurance: It’s Time to Use It or Lose It
October 20, 2019
Dental insurance can be confusing, but if you know how to use it, you could be saving hundreds of dollars every year. What many people don’t know is that most dental insurance plans renew on January 1st. This means that you won’t have access to unused benefits—they don’t roll over. This leaves Americans missing out on literally billions of dental dollars each year. Read on to learn how to maximize your insurance and why it’s important to use your benefits sooner rather than later.
5 Tips for Keeping Your Child’s Smile Healthy Around Halloween
October 10, 2019
Halloween is approaching fast. For children, this means they can look forward to a bag full of free candy, but for parents, it means worrying about an increased risk of cavities and gum disease. If you want to keep your little one’s smile safe, you don’t need to stop them from enjoying sweets altogether, but you should make a plan so that they can work through their stash without damaging their pearly whites. Keep these 5 Halloween candy tips in mind over the next couple of months.
Can Pumpkin Spice Lattes Hurt Your Teeth?
September 5, 2019
Fall is almost here, and that means it’s just about time for pumpkin spice lattes. As comforting as these hot drinks are on cool autumn days, they might not have the same effect on your teeth. Drinks like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate aren’t actually that great for your pearly whites. Let’s look at what a dentist has to say to answer the question: are hot drinks bad for my teeth?