The days are becoming shorter, and the weather is colder, so most people are understandably spending less time outdoors. However, enough direct sunlight exposure (as in not through a window) is extremely important to your overall health, and it particularly matters when it comes to your teeth. By getting enough quality time outside, you can actually lower your risk of common problems like cavities and gum disease. Keep reading to learn how the sun can be one of the most valued parts of your oral care regimen.
The “D” In Vitamin D Stands for Dental
While that isn’t true, Vitamin D is actually a hormone your body produces when it is exposed to sunlight or eats certain foods (more on those later). It’s directly responsible for many things, including the formation of healthy bones and hard tissue. This includes your tooth enamel, which is the protective barrier on the outside of your teeth. It also plays a role in your ability to ingest calcium and phosphorus, two minerals that make up enamel.
And like the other vitamins, having enough Vitamin D is essential for maintaining a strong immune system that is able to fight off infections. With all this in mind, getting enough Vitamin D can not only make your teeth stronger (and therefore less likely to develop cavities), but it can also make you more resistant to an infection like gum disease, which is the most common dental problem in the world.
How to Get More Vitamin D
The best way to get the appropriate amount of Vitamin D is to expose your skin directly to the sun for about 20-30 minutes a day. This works even in the wintertime when the weather might be cloudy or overcast. This triggers your body to naturally produce it. Of course, if you plan to stay outdoors for more than 20 minutes, it’s important to wear sunscreen. Don’t worry—it won’t prevent you from absorbing sunlight while protecting your skin!
Also, your diet can help, as certain foods also help your body make Vitamin D. These include items like:
- Fatty fish
- Organ meats (like liver)
- Eggs
- Butter from animals
- Yogurt
- Cheese
Who doesn’t like a good excuse to eat more butter and cheese? Between routinely going outside and making sure these foods are a regular part of your diet, you’ll not only be doing right for your body, but you’ll also actively protect yourself from two of the most common dental problems in the world.
About the Practice
At Darby Creek Dental, we go above and beyond to help every patient maintain a happy, healthy smile between appointments. From routine checkups to high-quality periodontal therapy to advice you can use at home, our practice offers everything you need for optimal oral health. After you’ve spent some time outside and enjoyed plenty of butter, we invite you to schedule your next checkup with us through our website, or you can call (937) 644-8822.