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Expect the Unexpected – Preparing a Dental Emergency Kit

April 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 8:19 pm
Child with a missing tooth

An estimated 2 million visits to emergency departments each year involve some form of dental crisis, meaning that your chances of experiencing a cracked tooth or oral infection isn’t exactly zero. However, emergencies often occur suddenly and without warning, and you can’t prepare for something you can’t predict. Right?

Even though a dental emergency can be startling, if you expect the unexpected, you can be ready for them. Building an at-home dental emergency kit is an easy and affordable way to do just that. Keep reading for a list of ten tools that would be good to have in your toolbox.


Why Do I Have a Bitter Taste in My Mouth?

March 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 2:51 am
person wondering why there’s a bitter taste in their mouth

If you find yourself constantly tasting bitterness in your mouth, you’re among many who face this annoying issue. This persistent bitter taste can stem from various reasons and shouldn’t be ignored. While it might initially seem like a minor inconvenience, it can significantly impact your daily life and could indicate an underlying health issue. In this article, we’ll delve into the typical causes of a bitter mouth taste, what it might signify, and ways to tackle it.


Keep Your Smile Sweet: Prevent Dental Emergencies on Valentine’s Day

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 9:52 pm
Couple eating healthy to prevent dental emergencies on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day has joined the ranks of Christmas, Halloween, and Easter as one of the worst days for teeth. Every year there seems to be more and more candy, sweets, and enamel-eating treats produced and served to the public. If you want to avoid becoming a toothache victim and avoid dental emergencies on Valentine’s Day, continue reading. You’ll find several tips to help you and your partner’s pearly whites make it through the day unscathed.


The Do’s and Don’ts of Invisalign

January 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 4:05 am
person holding Invisalign

Are you looking for a discreet solution to straighten your teeth and achieve a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile? If so, Invisalign treatment might be the perfect option for you. With its clear aligners, Invisalign subtly realigns teeth, providing convenience compared to traditional braces. However, ensuring the effectiveness of your treatment requires diligent care of your aligner trays. If you’re uncertain about how to maintain them properly, read on for some dos and don’ts to help preserve your aligner trays.


Can An Invisalign Aligner Stand Up to Bruxism?

December 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 7:16 am
Someone holding an Invisalign aligner

If you’re interested in straightening your smile, you’re probably at least a little bit curious about Invisalign. These clear plastic trays have become incredibly popular in recent years, allowing people to get the benefits of straighter teeth without the need for bulky wires and brackets.

You might also have bruxism, which is the scientific name for teeth grinding, which could make you a bit anxious about starting any kind of orthodontic treatment. If you’re curious, here’s what you should know how bruxism could affect your ability to get Invisalign treatment.


How Long Does It Take to Get Dentures?

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 10:35 pm
dentist holding out pair of dentures

If you’re grappling with the challenges of missing pearly whites, then dentures present a personalized solution to restore both oral function and aesthetics. These tailor-made removable dental devices are designed to seamlessly fit, delivering a natural-looking smile, improved chewing capabilities, and essential support for facial muscles. If you’re interested in learning more about the denture journey and eager to explore the intricacies of the process, continue reading as we shed light on the steps involved.


5 Reasons Your Lower Denture Isn’t Sticking Around

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 12:28 pm
An older woman smiling in her dentures

If you’re struggling with your lower denture not staying in place, you’re not alone. It’s a common problem that many people who wear dentures face. To fix the problem, you should understand the reasons behind this issue. This will allow you to make a plan or modify your habits. If you want to know the most common reasons behind mobile dentures, continue reading.


4 Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Dentures

September 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 4:23 pm
a patient inspecting a denture model

Dentures are a valuable investment in your oral health and overall well-being, and they’ve assisted countless generations of patients with rebuilding their smiles. Whether you’ve recently acquired dentures or you’ve been wearing them for a while, proper care is essential for ensuring their longevity and maintaining a beautiful, complete smile. Here are some must-know tips that every denture wearer should keep in mind, in order to get impressive mileage out of their restoration!


My Gums Are Soft and Spongy – What Does This Mean?

August 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 10:41 pm
Woman with gum inflammation

When you go to the dental office for your regular cleanings and checkups, your dentist isn’t only focused on the health of your teeth. They are also checking the surrounding tissues for signs of oral health issues. If your gums appear soft or spongy, this could be a sign of gum disease. This condition affects nearly half of Americans over the age of 30! Continue reading to learn more about gum disease and the steps you can take to keep your gum healthy.


Prevent Dental Emergencies This Back-to-School Season with These Safety Tips!

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — darby_team @ 8:05 pm

Starting a new school year is always exciting, but even education comes with some dental health risks. While you’re in a rush to learn your child’s new schedule, make sure vaccinations are in order, and buy all the necessary pencils, paper, and books, you shouldn’t neglect making sure your child’s teeth are safe. Preventive dentistry begins at home, but bringing a few good habits to school can make the difference between a year without dental pain and one filled with emergency trips to the dentist. Read on to learn more about keeping your child’s teeth safe this new school year.

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